Cape Town’s R120 billion 10-year project pipeline remains on track, with the metro’s infrastructure investments set to dwarf those of other cities in South Africa, the latest annual Infrastructure Report shows.
“We are future-proofing our city by investing in infrastructure at a rate far outpacing any other metro, in fact over the next three years we will invest R43 billion, which is more than Joburg and Durban combined, said the city’s mayor Geordin Hill-Lewis.
“In fact,
’s updated Capital Expenditure Project Listing for 2023, also released this week, finds that Cape Town accounts for a full 60% of the R100 billion in overall government infrastructure projects announced last year.
The mayor said that investments are crucial at a time when Cape Town is close to surpassing Joburg as the country’s most populous city, with 5 million residents.
“Our metro is also increasingly at the heart of national economic growth, adding over 200 000 jobs in the last year, which is more than SA’s other metros combined. The city’s infrastructure investments will further create an estimated 135,000 jobs over three years, based only on the initial investment, excluding downstream economic benefits. This is aside from the greater personal and community dignity that comes with improved infrastructure,” said Hill-Lewis.
Many metros around the country have been hamstrung by poor service delivery, lack of employment opportunities and misappropriation of funds.
According to the tabled 2023/24 capital budgets for SA’s metros, Cape Town will invest more in infrastructure than Johannesburg and Durban combined over the three-year medium-term budget framework (23/24 – 25/26), with a 91.2% larger capital budget than Joburg (R43.2 billion vs R22.6 billion), and 116.9% larger budget than eThekwini (R19.9 billion).
“Importantly, 73% of this year’s record R11 billion infrastructure budget will directly benefit lower income households and people living in informal settlements. Our ambition is clear: we are building a City of Hope for all our residents, no matter where they live in Cape Town, and no matter their background,” said Hill-Lewis in his address to stakeholders at the report launch.
Water and Sanitation investment now makes up 42% of Cape Town’s R120 billion 10-year pipeline, with multi-billion rand upgrades to seven wastewater works on track according to the city’s report.
“This year we are glad to report yet another significant increase in planned investment in Water and Sanitation infrastructure, largely driven by our programmes to reduce sewer spills. This includes quadrupling sewer pipe replacement to 100km annually; and ongoing major bulk sewer upgrades in several parts of the city, including SA’s largest project of this kind on the Cape Flats line,” said Hill-Lewis.
Hill-Lewis said new projects to improve public transport – worth R21 billion – are planned along three major corridors in the outer years of the next decade: Khayelitsha–Century City, Symphony Way, and Klipfontein.
“These corridors are the next major long-term investments after the completion of MyCiTi Phase 2A route servicing the metro-southeast from Claremont/Wynberg to Khayelitsha/Mitchells Plain, currently the biggest infrastructure project in the Western Cape worth R5.4 billion over the next three years,” said Hill-Lewis.
Other highlights from Cape Town’s Infrastructure Report include: